Explore the Many Pathways to the Teaching Profession
Temple University’s TUteach program is a Pennsylvania state recognized alternative route to Teacher Certification. A fundamentally new approach to education, the non-traditional route grants students with an opportunity to teach in elementary and middle school environments in his/her first semester. The intense balance of STEM and Educational coursework awards students with a Bachelor of Science degree, as it better prepares future science and mathematics teachers to serve diverse learners across the region and the nation.
In TUteach, science and math majors get early and intensive pre-service teaching experience, the latest pedagogical tools, and extensive mentoring and support as they become effective, state-certified teachers whose passion for their subject is passed on to their students. As the signature program with the College of Science & Technology's STEM ED Network, TUteach serves as a gateway to service learning, community engagement and internship & research opportunities. Ideally, it prepares all STEM students with the professional, communicable soft-skills that are highly desired by prospective employers. TUteach was built on the UTeach model, which is recognized nationally for developing and supporting teachers of high quality. TUteach partners with the School District of Philadelphia and other local school districts to address the nation’s shortage of math and science teachers. Additionally, our many partnerships with community organizations aim to extend STEM learning opportunities outside the classroom. It is through these partnership that our TUteach student build extensive and competitive portfolios that virtually guarantee job placement upon graduation. All TUteach students have the opportunity to complete paid or unpaid internships. |
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The first required course in the TUteach major sequence, SCTC 1389 is open to all matriculating CST students who seek to explore a field teaching experience as early as their semester! As with pre-professional/certification programming, there is a higher GPA standard to degree/program completion. This is attractive to STEM students who parallel academia with pre-professional/medical school planning, and seek to gain service work to enhance his/her portfolio. Many students have "discovered" teaching via the SCTC 1389 experience, declared a TUteach Major and have matriculated to successful degree completion and rewarding careers in the STEM field.